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Learn foreign languages, mathematics, accounting, finance, and much more, with our free online courses.

Our latest books in English for high school and middle school:







           erratum                      erratum                       erratum           


Our philosophy of mathematics
and how it should be taught








  erratum vol 2              erratum vol 1    


Our partner publishing house:

Catalogue (see French homepage)



Translations of General Relativity


 italian                                polish                              korean


General accounting course

Post yourself the following transaction:


account to debit:     amount :
account to credit:     amount:

(enter numbers without monetary units in the amount boxes)

Cours de langues

pour francophones



Néfertiti (2007, 2024)
Language courses

para hispanohablantes / for English speakers


Interactive video clips

Music clips with original lyrics and translations in many languages, all interactive.

Cours de mathématiques

Cours de mathématiques de toutes les classes du collège et du lycée, conformes aux programmes, avec videos sur youtube, pages de texte, et livres.

  1. beginning of a math course in English (6th grade)


Financial calculator, borrowing, interest rate, duration, payments:

Enter loan information:

1) Amount of loan:
(enter an integer, no currency sign)
2) Annual percentage rate of interest:
(enter an integer, no % sign)
3) Repayment period in years:
(enter an integer)
Payment information
4) Your monthly payment: $
5) Your total payment: $
6) Your total interest payments: $
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