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table des matières et leçon gratuite

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table des matières et leçon gratuite

Buying food
translation / explanation
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hp  F.: Werner, I am going to the grocery store to get us some food.

hp  W.: We need a well balanced diet, says Werner.

hp  F.: Of course. It must contain carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and vitamins.

hp   The grocery store is not far.

hp   It is fifteen minutes on foot from the flat.

hp   There François buys spaghetti, olive oil, vegetables, cheese, and fruit.

hp   He also buys the ingredients to make a cake.

hp   How are you today? the salesperson at the checkout counter asks him.

hp   François is surprised.

hp   The question sounds as if they know each other well.

hp   After a few seconds, he answers: Fine. And you?

hp   I'm fine too, thank you. It's $13.

hp   He pays and leaves the store.

hp   Then, at the drugstore nearby, he buys a bar of soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent and a couple of cleaning sponges.

hp   Finally he goes back home.


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